Welfare Assessment: The IRIS Center conducted a quantitative Client Welfare Assessment Survey to assess the depth of outreach by measuring client poverty levels of Pro Mujer, Peru clients. The study compares client poverty status of Regular, Premium and Feria clients to understand if the products are associated with various poverty segments of client populations. The study complements MFO studies that examined the value proposition of PMP's new products for PMP and their clients.
Value Proposition of Pro Mujer Peru: MFO investigated how Pro Mujer Peru's (PMP) clients use BMGF-funded credit innovations. The study used qualitative tools. An examination of PMP's management-information system data with additional client interviews was also done to examine clients' savings behavior.
Financial Landscape: MFO conducted Financial Landscape research to understand access to financial institutions and services in areas to be covered by Pro Mujer Peru's (PMP) service innovations. This study focused on two innovations funded by BMGF: 1) the Premium Product, a large group loan for relatively successful microentrepreneurs; and 2) the Feria Product, a small group loan targeting petty traders at traditional markets in more rural areas. Research at the pilot/launch sites for these products revealed intense competition for PMP, from formal to informal sources of credit.
Market Segmentation and Outreach to the Poor: Results from Client Welfare Assessment Survey in Peru
by Zoe Cohen and Geetha Nagarajan
Financial Landscape Report: Peru
by Michael Ferguson
An Appetite for Credit: A Study of Product Innovation by Pro Mujer Peru
by Michael Ferguson
Rethinking Client "Graduation"
by Michael Ferguson
A Reinterpretation of Mandatory Savings—with Conditions
by Michael Ferguson